The past few days made me think a lot. I don't know how I should say it but it makes me think. A number of thing's happening & I wonder where did the word "fair" disappear to, like what Charis mention. Somehow, the world is unfair. But. luckily, all's fine now, awaiting the 3rd. Just hope things will get better in time to come.
I met jem as mention on the previous post. So, I did compo & pronunciation on some stranger word to me. Fruitful. (:
Did cleaning up a few days at home too. "All" junk's out of the house. Haha! But it's still kinda messy at some part of the house.
Jogging early in the morning with Charis on the 20th. & over to meet up with Leona for catching-up. Then, mahjong at night with Sister, S's bf, Yeemay & Myron. Played till 4.30 & damn, lose. Haha. But it's ok, like Eugene, happy go lucky.
& Daddy's birthday celebration on the 22th, his lunar birthday.

Grandmum & cousin Denise came over to our house on the 24th. Little cousin had dinner over & it took mummy sucha long time to finish feeding her. Faint~. She's still as hyper, jumping all about our house & I got to chase after her in fear of her getting injury all over her body. Lol.

Ok, I'm lazy to type. So, I shall upload pictures! :D